AD ID: 73125
Freehold Auto Repairs and Towing Business for Sale QLD
Freehold Auto Repairs and Towing business

Why buy this Freehold Auto Repairs and Towing Business
Freehold Auto Repairs and Towing Business for Sale QLD Asking: $825,000 + SAV
First time exclusive offering of this very successful and independently owned freehold auto towing and repairs business. Get the best of both worlds with a relaxed rural lifestyle whilst generating fantastic returns on investment.This family-owned enterprise has been around for over 50 years and has never changed hands. The current owners would like to retire and have offered extensive training and tuition to the incoming buyer as they are keen to wind down and enjoy the fruits of their labour.
Accountant\'s reports show healthy, steady growth year in, year out and this could be very easily accelerated by using modern marketing/promotional techniques, which by the owner\'s own admission, are not being optimised currently. There is also room on the site for expansion to introduce ancillary product/s and services.
There is a loyal and highly trained workforce in place which would quite easily handle an expansion strategy, and it also means that \'getaways\' for the owner from time to time are possible.
If you are interested in finding out more about this quality opportunity, please go to simply register as a buyer on our system. You will receive a Business Summary no confidentiality agreement required. It is a quick and simple process to see if this is an opportunity you may want to explore further. Alternatively, call Rick Di Mecola on 0478 104 077.
For more info Contact:
Rick Di Mecola

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