AD ID: 123899
Transport Business for Sale Townsville QLD
Highly Profitable Transport Business North Queensland 5742TR

Why buy this Transport Business
Transport Business for Sale Townsville QLD Asking: $3,500,000
Are you seeking an investment with unparalleled stability and profitability? Look no further than this unique, well-established transport enterprise in a coastal town in Northern Queensland.With a near-complete monopoly in its niche industry, this transport business has distinguished itself with a distinctive operation seldom observed in the trucking sector. Having successfully operated for over two decades, it has cemented an exceptional reputation for its proficiency in managing all types of freight and fulfilling essential deliveries in the area.
Equipped with a substantial fleet of plant and equipment, valued at approximately $1,500,000, this transportation operation is poised for continued success.
Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to invest in a business that has consistently proven its profitability.
Secure your future by investing in this highly profitable transport business. Contact us today to learn more about this outstanding opportunity.
$3,500,000 WIWO
The photos in this ad are not a true representation of the business for sale. Please ensure that you are in a financial position to purchase this business prior to making an enquiry.
For more info Contact:
Arnold Pierce Kelsey
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