Write a better business for sale ad

Make your ad more effective when advertising your business for sale on www.aubizbuysell.com.au

5 Point Ad Check (aubizbuysell)

1.    Grab attention with your headline
2.    Include a price and the location
3.    Be descriptive - sell on benefits
4.    Communicate to attract interest
5.    Call to action

1. Grab attention with your headline – describe the opportunity
The headline is like having an advertisement for your ad, it needs to grab attention and promise a benefit straight up.

People skim headlines, and will stop at the ones that interest them most. Be clear on what is on offer – being vague only creates suspicion and loss of interest. Identify what your business does... say if it’s a cleaning business, a cafe, or engineering business etc. Then provide two or three key benefits that will entice potential business buyers to explore your opportunity. It’s important not to be over the top or misleading as this will only lose you credibility with buyers. Don't waste your words here – this needs to be your best sales line in 20 or less words.

2. Include a price and the location
Both of these are used by buyers as search criteria. While they aren’t mandatory they will assist buyers in returning results for what they are interested in. Buyers prefer to see a price - research from print ads shows a 52% increase in response if a price is provided.

Location is another highly valued factor with some buyers happy to move for the right opportunity, and others that prefer something nearby. You get better results if you are specific on location. If you list your location under your State plus City or Town, and provide a post code allowing people to search under specific areas and or broader parameters.

Attachment - bigger is better - If you’re near a large city, consider identifying the location in relation to that city. ie. just 40 minutes South of Cairns.

3. Be descriptive - sell on benefits (use images to help)
Ads are made up of words and pictures that create meanings and images. The more impressive and specific the benefits, the greater the interest. Think about what’s likely to be important to your buyer, what would make them want to buy your business? Is it; more leisure time, to make more money, for increased enjoyment, or to just be their own boss? Use emotive images as these pull in interest - Image Ads also come up before Text Ads, and get twice as may views.

Now what’s great about your business? Is it; highly profitable, in an excellent location with great foot traffic, in a growth market? Does it operate only 5 days a week, or does it have significant repeat business? Look for the high interest positive attributes your business has that are important to your potential buyers and use these!

4. Communicate to attract interest and qualify buyers
It helps to provide a good description of what your business is about, why it’s a great opportunity, and what resources come with - what do people get for their money! By doing this buyers get a better feel for what you have on offer - this helps qualify buyers before they contact you, saving you time having to work through the basics with the 'only-lookers'.

You need to disclose enough information to qualify buyers, and to create sufficient interest for genuine buyers to contact you to find out more. In other words, provide good information, but don’t have to supply every detail or answer every question. Use you ad to get interest from qualified buyers and prompt them into contacting you!

5. Call to Action
Someone has just read your ad and are interested. What do you want them to do? Having a strong call to action as a prompt, getting them to either call or email you. Ask them to "Ring today to find out more" or "email me now".

Make it easy to be contacted, if possible provide a day and after hours phone number (if you need to keep this confidential – use your accountant, an agent or friends details and cell phone). Emails are great; the viewer is already online. Just make sure you check these regularly.

Sell Your Business – list it on www.aubizbuysell.com.au
Advertising dedicated to the buying and selling of Australian business for sale opportunities.

This information is the property of aubizbuysell and is not to be copied or replicated unless consent is provided in writing – copyright 2012

By Richard O'Brien - aubizbuysell

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